The book “Noah’s Ark: Was A Spaceship addresses a wide range of intriguing questions, providing thought-provoking insights and analysis.


The book "Noah's Ark: Was A Spaceship addresses a wide range of intriguing questions, providing thought-provoking insights and analysis.

Topics Covered in the Book

Flying Vessels of the Gods

When was the Original Flood?

Catalan Atlas Map of the World and the Flood

Is the Ark really On Mount Ararat?

Are We In the days of NOAH Again?

Was there other Survivors of the Flood?

About the Book


“Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship” is a fascinating and thought-provoking book that challenges our traditional understanding of the story of Noah and the Ark. The book argues that the Ark was not a simple wooden vessel designed to withstand a global flood, but rather a sophisticated spaceship built by an advanced civilization that existed in ancient times.
Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, “Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship” is a must-read for anyone interested in history, science, and religion. It will leave you with new insights and a deeper appreciation for the power of legends and writings that have been passed down through the ages.


“Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship” is a fascinating and thought-provoking book that challenges our traditional understanding of the story of Noah and the Ark. The book argues that the Ark was not a simple wooden vessel designed to withstand a global flood, but rather a sophisticated spaceship built by an advanced civilization that existed in ancient times.
Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, “Noah’s Ark Was a Spaceship” is a must-read for anyone interested in history, science, and religion. It will leave you with new insights and a deeper appreciation for the power of legends and writings that have been passed down through the ages.

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Some of the questions explored in the book include:

Where did the original Noah's Ark story truly originate from?

Was the original story exactly as the Bible describes?

Why is there a belief that the Ark was a boat that sailed the seas rather than a flying vessel?

What evidence supports the notion that the Ark was a flying vehicle?

What is the current whereabouts of the Ark?

Has the Ark genuinely been discovered?

Are we experiencing a time akin to the days of Noah once again?

Is there a modern-day equivalent of the Ark?

These questions, along with numerous others, are thoroughly examined and expanded upon within the book. The readers can expect to delve into these mysteries, gaining deeper insights into the origins and potential interpretations of the Noah’s Ark story.

Excerpt from book

Flying Vessels Of The Gods Noah’s Ark Was A SpaceShip

There was an experiment done on April 27 2017 at the University of California at Irvine. Travis Taylor, an aerospace engineer, designed a model aircraft based solely on information from an ancient Hindu text believed to be approximately 2,000 years old. He wanted to test the viability of the design and specifications from the text. To do this, he placed the model in a wind tunnel machine. The results showed that the aircraft model, built from the ancient Indian text, was indeed capable of flight. This raises the possibility that further study of the ancient Indian text could lead to the rediscovery of advanced technology that existed thousands of years ago. Click to see the video.
The Hindu ancient religious texts, known as the Vedas, are filled with fascinating tales of various gods and their remarkable powers, along with battles that took place in the distant past. These sagas are considered to be mythical stories that offer valuable lessons to be applied in everyday life. The myths describe gods engaging in battles against evil forces on flying vehicles, originally referred to as “Ratha” and later as “Vimana,” meaning “traversing” or “measured out.” Vimanas are described as flying chariots or even flying palaces in Sanskrit epics and Hindu texts. A recent experiment features a model aircraft built using measurements from a sacred Hindu text to test if it could actually fly.
There are many quotes in biblical texts referring to the flying vehicles of the Gods, Elohim, Anunnaki, Yahweh, Lords, Angels. The ancients described them using words like “clouds,” “whirlwinds,” and “chariots.” The flight characteristics of the objects described in the Bible strongly suggest that they were controlled flying crafts. The Elohim-associated objects are depicted in the Bible as exhibiting swift and extended flight, as well as the ability to ascend and descend and remain stationary for extended periods. If these objects were mere ethereal images created by spiritual beings, their flight patterns would hold no significance. However, the fact that the Bible authors documented the detailed flight behavior of these objects provides evidence of their concrete physical presence. If we were to bring a person from the past and show them an airplane, they might say, “Look, a flying chariot.” Symbols are used in the biblical texts, including the Book of Revelation 9:10. For example, John saw what he thought were stinging locusts, but they may have been airplanes. He used symbols from his time to describe what he saw. Similarly, when he saw a star fall from the sky, he may have been witnessing a bomb or meteorite. We should interpret these symbols in the context of our own time, using modern understanding to interpret biblical events.
The Ancients utilized terminology that was familiar to them to describe the phenomena they observed. An example of this is the story of the three wise men, who followed a star in the east, which eventually hovered over the house where Jesus was born. While we now understand that stars are much larger than the Sun and do not move from east to west, nor do they hover over specific houses, it is plausible that the wise men witnessed something that resembled a star, but was not actually a star. In fact, based on other narratives in the Bible, it is possible that the wise men were being guided by a type of flying vessel, similar to the way the children of Israel were led by the pillar of light at night. In Numbers 12, it is described that the Lord descended in a pillar of cloud, spoke to the people face to face, and then ascended into the cloud and departed from above the tabernacle, suggesting upward movement. Based on these accounts, one would speculate that the Elohim Lords possessed flying vehicles.

I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.

About Author

Doc Jaay

Doc Jaay is a dedicated scholar with a profound interest in the realms of global religious studies, ancient civilizations, and indigenous writings. Fascinated by the interconnections found within diverse religious and mythological traditions, Doc Jaay has devoted significant time to studying religious texts, mythologies, folklore, and indigenous beliefs spanning various cultures worldwide. Through extensive research, a common thread of truth has emerged in many of these narratives, which Doc Jaay seeks to impart to his readers.

Doc Jaay

Doc Jaay is a dedicated scholar with a profound interest in the realms of global religious studies, ancient civilizations, and indigenous writings.
Drawing from a wealth of knowledge amassed over years of exploration, Doc Jaay’s first book, “Noah’s Ark Was A Spaceship,” explores the intriguing notion that the ancient world possessed the technology and wisdom necessary to construct such a flying vessel. This thought-provoking work challenges our present comprehension of religious scriptures; history and science, raising essential questions. Combining meticulous research and personal insights, Doc Jaay presents a compelling perspective that invites readers to ponder new possibilities.
Fascinated by the interconnections found within diverse religious and mythological traditions, Doc Jaay has devoted significant time to studying religious texts, mythologies, folklore, and indigenous beliefs spanning various cultures worldwide. Through extensive research, a common thread of truth has emerged in many of these narratives, which Doc Jaay seeks to impart to his readers. Drawing from a wealth of knowledge amassed over years of exploration, Doc Jaay’s first book, “Noah’s Ark Was A Spaceship,” explores the intriguing notion that the ancient world possessed the technology and wisdom necessary to construct such a flying vessel. This thought-provoking work challenges our present comprehension of religious scriptures; history and science, raising essential questions. Combining meticulous research and personal insights, Doc Jaay presents a compelling perspective that invites readers to ponder new possibilities.

What our Readers Say

The author has a lot of knowledge on the subject matter, and I am left wanting to learn more. The writing is accessible to all. I learned quite a bit about the real history of the bible and original writings. I now have a new, exciting perspective on history. It is a quick read well worth your time. I highly recommend!


Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship" is a captivating and thought-provoking book that presents a unique twist on the biblical tale of Noah's Ark I would recommend to others very educational and kind opening.


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